High School GPA Calculator to Know Your Progress | Collegegpacalc.com

High School GPA Calculator

If you study in high school or you are a foreign student who seeks the chance to enter one of the educational establishments, for example, in the USA, you have probably come across such an abbreviation as GPA. GPA or Grade Point Average is the average point of your diploma or certificate. Basically, it is considered as a measurement of your academic success in high school. Further on, it is obligatory information counted for admission to colleges and universities. So, one simple number will dictate where to go to pursue your education. Nowadays, some employers may ask a person to provide this data to consider whether he succeeded in particular subjects as well.

Usually, there is no need for calculating it on your own because plenty of online services may do it fastly. 

Course Name
Grade (%)
Course Type

Your GPA

  • Cumulative
  • {{semester.title}}
  • Cumulative
  • {{semester.title}}

How to Calculate?

In the US, it is calculated as follows: A is equivalent to 4.0, B - 3.0, C - 2.0, D - 1.0, and respectively the worst nightmare for students is F that is subject to 0.0 or a complete failure. Points for all the subjects are added up and then divided by the number of those subjects. For instance, you have together 20 points, and the total number of subjects studied is 7. So, in practice, you get 20/7 = 2.85 GPA.

Together with this evaluation system, the American educational institutions practice the calculation of credits. To calculate them, a person has to multiply each assessment on the subject by a point on this credit. Then, again everything is added up and divided by the total amount of credits. 

For students convenience, here is a list of the most precise unweighted points, they may get when measuring academic achievement:

Letter Grade Percentile GPA
A+ 97-100 4.0
A 93-96 4.0
A- 90-92 3.7
B+ 87-89 3.3
B 83-86 3.0
B- 80-82 2.7
C+ 77-79 2.3
C 73-76 2.0
C- 70-72 1.7
D+ 67-69 1.3
D 65-66 1.0
F Below 65 0.0

As you may see, at some colleges or universities, there is a measurement that includes grades with pluses such as A+, D+ which give another half-point. In other establishments, they simply round GPA to the nearest whole amount. So, before calculating your unique grade, find it essential to learn the admission information for applicants of a required college.

Another classification concerns the weighted scale of 5.0. This scale will take into consideration the difficulty of your subjects and classes for the final results. For instance, those students who achieve A in high-difficulty subjects will predominate over those who have the same grade but with the low-difficulty ones. Nevertheless, only some high schools tend to use this system.

How to Count GPA on Your Own?

As it was said before, to calculate a point, students are widely helped by specially trained people, for example, from the universities and colleges, or designated companies. Besides, you can always find a variety of online services where you need to indicate your grades, and a system will do the rest. There are only three steps a student should follow using the GPA calculator:

  1. Take all the grades from the diploma or certificate and add them up;
  2. Divide the result by the number of subjects;
  3. Translate the estimates into a 4-point system.

If you need to calculate the GPA according to the weighted scale, just follow the unweighted one for regular or basic-level subjects, then add 0.5 to medium-level classes or else called honors, and add 1.0 for high-level classes or APs. Then, divide the result by the total number of classes and find out your grade.

Note, some institutions such as the University of California, Berkeley consider the desired applicants only those who have the average mark of at least 3.87. If your expectations are based on entering Harvard, there you should be on top of your class, and master all the subjects with excellent grades. According to the statistics taken from the previous years, you have a chance to be submitted with a GPA of 3.0 but again depending on the faculty and the number of applications. At the same time, Harvard is not so concentrated on evaluating the students on GPA only. For instance, they will take a look at the SAT’s as well. But, if your GPA is below 3.0, do not neglect the opportunity to try yourself.

The same story concerns the students who, after high school, would like to pursue their first official jobs. You have to know in advance whether an employee asks for a GPA certificate or you can omit to demonstrate it. As an example, such companies as Procter and Gamble or national banks of America will want from you the grade of not lower than 3.0, and in some cases, even 3.5. The highest scores are required in the banking and accounting specializations, together with the medical field.