Grade Calculator to Help Control Your GPA |

Grade Calculator

Calculating all the numbers that you come across on a daily basis is somehow a good exercise for your brain. The same concerns the grades for all your classes and subjects. It helps you to have a clear idea of whether you succeed in studying processes and to analyze where you can enter to pursue education. Whenever you are a student, you will always have to work on your grades. It can be for getting extra bonuses, for preparing to scholarships and entering such institutions as Harvard or Berkeley where they have their high expectations whom to enroll or whom to reject. Read the information on how to calculate your grade, forecast the future grades, and determine whether you are on the track of success.

Make use of this advanced tool to calculate your average or final grade as well as grading planning chart.

Want to calculate your GPA? Then try our College GPA calculator

{{ validate }}
{{ validation.message }}
{{ warning }}
Grade (%)
Grade (Letter)
% of Class Grade

Your Current Grade:{{ currentGrades[courseIndex].percentage }}% ({{ currentGrades[courseIndex].letter }})

Seems like your GPA is to low.
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What do I need on my final?

Current Grade (%)
Final Worth (%)
Desired Grade %

Grade Needed in Final: {{ finalGrades[courseIndex].percentage }}% ({{ finalGrades[courseIndex].letter }})

Seems like your GPA is to low.
Get help now and boost your grade!

How Are Grades Calculated?

The first step is to define what is your high school point system. Before conducting any calculations, find out whether your professors opt for using a weighted scale or a basic point system. With the latter, everything you study and then earn is worth the points. So, whenever you receive back your projects, home assignments, look for a grade indicator that you can rely on for the future.

After that, determine how much of the earned points you have at the moment. Their list can be found in the syllabus, or again any student can find them out by asking the professor. Then, you add them up and get the final result. However, if a student wants to forecast approximately what is his average grade, a professor has experienced hand to glance at your achievement and tell what to expect. Grade calculators will also do this task the best, and you have to indicate some data only. For such an approach, contemplate the lower probable points and high ones and input them in the empty fields.

The next stage encompasses percentage rates. Now, when you have an approximate or exact number of points, divide them by the number of earned points. And you have your percentage.

Note, some educational establishments may go for the weighted grading system. It still predetermines that all your works are worth points, but they will be resulted in different evaluations or amounts based on what category your work falls into. Most commonly, these categories are for tests, quizzes, exams, homework. And, even for participation. Accordingly, each of them has its percentage of a grade. Beware, you should try your best to achieve the majority of points from each category. But, if failed to score much in categories that are not worth many grades, it will not affect your achievement in the end.

After, calculate your percentage taking into consideration all the categories. And, the last is to convert those percentages to a number. For example, you have earned 90% in a category that weighted 20%. 90x20=18. So, it will cost you 18 points. In the same way, you can calculate your average rate.

To avoid puzzlement in both your mind and grades, try to use an online grade calculator that will only save your time. It does not have any registration forms, complicated instructions, or waiting time. Depending on the grading system, you have to indicate the type, such as Percentage, Letter, and Point. If using Percentage calculator:

  • Indicate %Grade and Weight;

Letter calculator:

  • Letter and Credits;

 Point calculator:

  • Grade (points) and Max Grade (optional).

As a result, you are aware of your current situations or the probability of your grades.

Tips for Boosting Your Grade

The easiest way to earn more points is to ask for extra work. Your professor may offer it to you first, but you had better take the initiative. Such a solution helps students who lack half of the point to have the desired grade, for example, for entering the college or finishing the year with the top results. Other hints are:


  • Always concentrate on classes with high-level difficulty. They are worth more than 2 to 3 of light-level ones;
  • Stick to taking notes on all the deadlines in assignments. Some students leave them for the last moment, so they lack time for revision;
  • If you fail the task, always try to ask your professor to redo it. If possible, insist that you really need it because your grades will determine the choice of the future college;
  • Learn extra literature. If you can support your ideas in homework with unbiased and unique analysis, it will be appreciated and evaluated better even in case there are spelling or grammar mistakes;
  • Before submitting any work, talk to the professor about what he would like to see in it. 


If you know your exact grades, there will be no need to forecast something. And the usage of online grade calculators that will show what you are worth will boost your awareness and somehow self-esteem.

Weighted grade calculation

The weighted grade is equal to the sum of the product of the weights (cg) in percent (%) times the grade (g):

Weighted grade = cg1×g1+ cg2×g2+ cg3×g3+...

When the weights are not in percent (hours or points...), you should also divided by the sum of the weights:

Weighted grade = (cg1×g1+ cg2×g2+ cg3×g3+...) / (cg1+cg2+cg3+...)


2 points Math course with grade of 79%.

4 points Biology course with grade of 89%.

3 points History course with grade of 76%.

The weighted average grade is calculated by:

Weighted grade =

 = (cg1×g1+ cg2×g2+ cg3×g3) / (cg1+cg2+cg3)

 = (2×79%+ 4×89%+ 3×76%) / (2+4+3) = 82%